
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Gratitude List 2012

Well, it's not super funny or poignant or anything like that, but for posterity's sake, here's my list for 2012. It's a simple reflection of where we're (I'm) at right now. I hope to write more soon, but the numbness in my fingers and the frustration with my computer has not subsided yet, so the infrequent posts are the unfortunate result. The good news is that I'm enjoying my new mom status to the fullest with so few distractions J

Thankfulness List 2012

  1. Everything baby. The noises, the softness, the smallness, even the smells – well most of them.
  2. A full nights sleep.
  3. My community of friends and family. I am so very, very blessed. God has a way of putting the best people in the right place, for the right season, every time.
  4. Hot showers.
  5. Knowing that we learn from our mistakes.
  6. Living in a country where we can choose how to educate our kids, where to worship, what kind of food/ products to buy, our health care options, etc. We have no idea how free we really are.
  7. Belly laughs.
  8. Having come to the place where I enjoy spending my whole day, everyday with my kids (and still feel like it’s going by too fast)
  9. Elaina Grace Heaslip, our long awaited daughter. She is everything we dreamed and more.
  10. That God made me a mom to three amazing boys who inspire and challenge me every moment of every day.
  11. That I married my best friend and that he still loves me in spite of me 18 years from the day we met.
  12. Listening to the boys giggle and whisper after they’ve gone to bed.
  13. Our new Language Arts Curriculum.
  14. Our Little Homeschool Co-op. It has been instrumental in maintaining my sanity from week to week. 
  15. Summer Baseball Games
  16. My Saladmaster Cookware…I am still 100% in love with it. What an incredible investment for our family, our health and my efficiency as a wife and mom.
  17. I hate video games…so I’m super grateful when they are over.
  18. Upward Sports for my boys.
  19. That my mom moved into our basement for the year and God has redeemed much.
  20. Morning snuggles.
  21. Grandparents who are involved in my kids lives.
  22. Good health care.
  23. Organic living.
  24. Finding a new to me author and devouring all their books. Ie. Frank Viola.
  25. A really good blog to follow.
  26. Jesus. My best friend, My everything.

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