I realize it's been a LONG time. Far too long in fact, since I have had a post on what I've been reading. The last time I posted, was in MAY last year. Yikes. I've spent all my time since then reading and not blogging about it...sorry, and I will try harder in 2014.
I did not read all the books that I had written down on that list, but I did read a ton of books that I came across through the months.
Tam's Top 5 (Based on the fact that I learned the most, read more than once or simply is timely based on where we are in our life's journey)
üWhen Life & Beliefs Collide...James * I absolutely love books that make me think, question myself, challenge what I believe and examine my foundations and motivations. This book was one of those, it helped refine what I think and how to convey it.
üRevolution The Story of the New Testament Church (the first 17 years)...Gene Edwards
Honourable Mention goes to:
üGod's Favourite Place on Earth...Frank Viola* I loved this book. A really different take on the house in Bethany and it's role in the life of Jesus then and now.
üEducating the Whole Hearted Child...Clay Sally ClarksonThis is a must read for all homeschoolers, and one to go back to again and again through the process.
üRoaring Lambs...Bob Briner
üThe Alchemist...Paulo Coelho
üThe Gospel of Ruth...James
üLost Women of the Bible...James
üDumbing Us Down (The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling)...John Taylor Gatto
üLast Child in the Woods...Richard Louv *
I read most of this. It's definitely one to keep on hand. Such a good book to come back to when you are trying to change your family habits of being indoors so much.
üWheat Belly...William DavisüSame Kind of Different as Me... Ron Hall and Denver Moore's
üThe Fall of Rome
üA Place Called Freedom...Ken Follet
üThe Silas Diary...Gene Edwards
üThe Titus Diary...Gene Edwards
üThe Timothy Diary...Gene Edwards
üThe Priscilla Diary...Gene Edwards
üThe Gaius Diary...Gene Edwards
Currently Reading
The Happiest Toddler on the Block...Harvey Karp
Orthodoxy...GK Chesterton
Up Next
The Way they Learn...Cynthia Tobias
Confessions or The City of God....AugustineMere Christianity
by C.S. Lewis
üDumbing Us Down (The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling)...John Taylor Gatto
üLast Child in the Woods...Richard Louv *
I read most of this. It's definitely one to keep on hand. Such a good book to come back to when you are trying to change your family habits of being indoors so much.
üA Place Called Freedom...Ken Follet
üThe Silas Diary...Gene Edwards
üThe Titus Diary...Gene Edwards
üThe Timothy Diary...Gene Edwards
üThe Priscilla Diary...Gene Edwards
üThe Gaius Diary...Gene Edwards
Books I STILL check in on Every Year
Anne of Green Gables - LM Montgomery
Simple Abundance - Sarah Ban Breathnach
Grace Based Parenting - Tim Kimmel
The Happiest Toddler on the Block...Harvey Karp
Orthodoxy...GK Chesterton
Up Next
The Way they Learn...Cynthia Tobias
When the Church Was a Family...Joseph H Hellerman
Jesus Manifesto...Frank Viola & Leonard Sweet
Jesus Manifesto...Frank Viola & Leonard Sweet
The Key to your Child's Heart...Gary Smalley
Hind's Feet on High Places...Hannah Hurnard
Emma...Jane Austen
The Guests of War Triology...Kit Pearson
Hind's Feet on High Places...Hannah Hurnard
Emma...Jane Austen
The Guests of War Triology...Kit Pearson
Einstein - Walter Isaacson
Prisoner in the Third Cell-Gene Edwards
A Briefer History of Time – Stephen Hawking
A Short History of Everything - Bill Bryson
The Pursuit of God – A W Tozer
The Works of Charles Dickens
The Big Ones I Hope to Tackle someday...
The Divine Comedy
by Dante
Paradise Lost
by John Milton
The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Faith in Communityby Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The Imitation of Christ
by Thomas a Kempis
The Great Divorce
by C.S. Lewis
The Odyssey
by Homer
The Cost of Discipleship
by Bonhoeffer
I love seeing what's on your bookshelf. You're such an avid reader! I love reading but am sloooow... I discovered the joy of audio books last year, it's been helping me plough through some of my reading list. Just about finished "Before Green Gables" by Budge Wilson... have you read it? It's cute- I like some of his ideas of how Anne became Anne:) I didn't want to like it (how could anyone even try to add on to Montgomery's classics??) but my daughter asked me to read it at the same time as she was and how could I say no? God bless!
Thanks for the shout-out!
Psalm 115:1
Thanks Tracey! Glad to inspire...I didn't start out so avid, but I read somewhere that if you read really easy fiction it helps you learn to read faster...and it worked. Now I still throw in some fiction to give my brain a break! My sister Steph is a huge fan of audiobooks. I've tried, but with all these boys my house is NOISY so it's hard to hear them. I haven't read Before GG so I will look it up. Have you read any of the other Anne books? my favourites were the last 3 in the series. :)
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