
Saturday, January 7, 2012

An Open Window and the Restoration of the Soul

I find that so many "reports" and so much "information" that I come across does nothing to lift me up - to encourage or exhort have more hope, faith or belief... so when I come across something that is full of these things, I like to pass it along...

My husband follows several people in the body of Christ who operate in the prophetic (as in reads their books and blogs and then follows the news, etc). I don't want to get into a spiritual debate with anyone over this. If you accept the operation of these "gifts" great, if you don't, I fully respect that too. As my mom would say..."Eat the meat, spit out the bones".

I just found this note he passed along to me encouraging and thought I would share it. We can compare notes a year from now if you like, just for now, I hope that you are as encouraged as I was.

Prophetic Message (Paraphrased by myself) - Jan. 3/ 2012

1. The Mountain of Debt will go.
Who is going to take down the mountain?
Your sons and your daughters

2. Just a Little Faith needed.
He (God) will do great things.
He will do impossible things.
Even though some of you find it so hard to believe.
Just a little bit of faith and the mountain will be conquered.
There's a mountain He will conquer in the middle of the year.

3. Your sons and your daughters, they will prophesy like Joel.
In the last days they will prophesy like Joel and Elijah,
Elisha, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Daniel, Shadrach, Meschach and Abednego.

4. Fear Overcome

The Spirit of the Lord says clearly, and I heard the word, "This day in which you live, there are creatures of the night that have caused My people to fear, caused children to take their lives. Fear has been rampant. There shall be earthquakes, floods, that will bring damage to no one in My kingdom. I will slay a beast that has stood and watched over you to destroy you. They will come and they will cause the earth to shake, the mountains to erupt, but there will be no damage.

5. Windows Open
But in this year, beginning now, there will be small windows of opportunity.
There are new wells that will be dug.
These new wells will bring new resources to My people.

6. This is the Year of the Youth.
It shall move from the older to the younger. Leaders will topple; kings will fall overnight. This shall happen throughout the East, the Middle East, and even in the West." What I gave Daniel, I will give to them. Watch this year, for you will see your mountain conquered," says the Lord. "Whatever your mountain is," says the Lord, "I will give you the faith of a mustard seed, a small window of opportunity, new wells that shall be dug." Within one day, for some of you, you will be free of your debt. This year is the Year of the Youth. I will take them and cause them to do what I told Joel. They will prophesy night and day and they will bring down the forces that have stolen what belongs to My people," says the Lord.

We are in 2012.
You know the trouble and the resistance and the attack – all of this that has come against you and God's people – He said, "This is over." There will still be little struggles and things you have, but this huge monster of resistance – He said, "The worst is behind us. It's over. We've entered into something brand new."

and my favourite part of all...

This year the Lord told me there's going to be a restoration of the soul of our families and the soul of our nation. That's very important and we're going to deal with that this year as well."

It always seems incredible to me how God orchestrates things in my own little life that are so obviously His doing. It is beyond my understanding in fact. So the thought that He is at work in things that are so far beyond "my own little life" is quite incredible and fills me with awe and wonder and a desire to live even more fully for Him in 2012.



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